Michael M.
Central JakartaIndonesia
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Top Rated Plus

Graphic Designer, UI/UX Designer, Figma Expert

Proven skills with years of successful projects on Upwork. I'm a Graphic Designer, Web & UI/UX Designer, Illustrator, Animator & Video Editor with 13 years of experience. My expertise includes social media banner, logo design, poster design, branding, digital painting, vector illustration, website mockup design, UI design, and video editing. Additionally, I am proficient and have considerable experience in product package design. I'm a fast, creative and target-oriented person with accurate deadline scheduling. I have mastered Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign, After Effects, Affinity Publisher, Affinity Photo, Affinity Designer. I am very familiar with Animate CC, Davinci Resolve, Adobe Premiere, Final Cut Pro, Wordpress, and MailChimp​.

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  • User Interface Design
  • Elementor
  • WordPress

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