M Ahsan M.
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Expert PHP Developer | Full Stack | WordPress | WooCommerce|JS|Yii|API

Over the years, I have developed a wide range of websites using PHP, and MySQL, HTML, CSS, Javascript, including small, medium and large sites/applications for different types of companies, institutions and organizations. I've worked on CMS, E-commerce, CRM, POS, SCM, account and SaaS applications. I've experience of setting up click funnels and all kind of API and payment solutions integration including Stripe, Authorize.net, Paypal. I also have some experience in the following areas: Wordpress, WooCommerce, OsCommerce, Yii, Ajax, jquery, OOP, Magento, Joomla, CodeIgniter, Hubspot, Mailchimp, Infusionsoft/Keap, Zapier. I don't just write code but I write efficient code and develop professional applications. Over 10 years experience in IT field makes me understand the details about the task in better way. 10 years experience of webmaster and web publishers help me understand the needs of client and end users of the application. All my IT related experience has helped me to develop efficient and professional software/web applications for the last 6 years. I've joined Upwork to explore the market and play my part in the professional development in an efficient manner. Looking forward to work with the best organization/individuals to develop professional applications for the world.

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  • jQuery
  • WordPress
  • WordPress Development
  • WooCommerce
  • Payment Gateway Integration
  • Yii