Shisir I.
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Front-end web developer (PSD To HTML Expert)

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ Top 🎉 Rated on Upwork 🏆 Hi there, 👋👋 I am shisir imran 👨🏻‍💻 As a skilled Front-end Web Developer specializing in PSD to HTML conversion and React.js development, I combine artistic vision with technical proficiency to craft captivating web interfaces and dynamic user experiences. With a meticulous approach to detail and a commitment to utilizing the latest technologies, I excel in transforming design concepts into responsive, interactive, and performant websites. 📢 Skills and Expertise ✍️✅ PSD to HTML Conversion: Proficient in translating intricate PSD designs into clean, semantic HTML/CSS templates, ensuring fidelity to the original design while optimizing for performance and accessibility. ✍️✅ React.js Development: Experienced in building modern, component-based web applications using React.js, leveraging its powerful ecosystem to create reusable UI components, manage state effectively, and enhance interactivity and user engagement. ✍️✅ Responsive Web Design: Skilled in developing responsive layouts and fluid grid systems that adapt seamlessly to various screen sizes and devices, providing users with a consistent and optimized browsing experience across platforms. ✍️✅ Cross-browser Compatibility: Knowledgeable in addressing cross-browser compatibility issues, employing best practices and polyfills to ensure consistent rendering and functionality across different web browsers and devices. ✍️✅ HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript: Proficient in utilizing HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript to implement cutting-edge web design techniques, including animations, transitions, and scroll effects, while adhering to web standards and accessibility guidelines. ✍️✅ Front-end Libraries and Frameworks: Familiar with popular front-end libraries and frameworks such as Bootstrap, tailwindcss, Material-UI, and Styled Components, leveraging their pre-built components and styles to expedite the development and maintain consistency. 👈 Let's work together, just one message away, to take your business to the next level! 😎

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  • Adobe XD
  • Tailwind CSS

Get started working with Shisir quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Shisir quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get a responsive website from XD,Figma,Photoshop,Adobe

From $45
2 days delivery