Alex L.
100% Job Success
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Senior web (Drupal/PHP) developer

I am an experienced developer with strong beliefs in web technologies. My main development stack is LAMP/LEMP and I am pretty comfortable with work on both backend and frontend tasks. As a team leader, I needed to be confident in each part of a project, so I have enough expertise to deal with complex full-stack tasks. I am interested in projects, with complex business and technical challenges. Also, I am a Drupal expert and I'm able to develop websites and custom modules with a high level of complexity. I believe, that hard technical skills are only 50% of success, the rest 50% are communication and self-motivation. And I can assure you that I have all required ingredients to solve your challenges in a most efficient way.

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  • Ecommerce Website
  • Project Management

Get started working with Alex quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Alex quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Drupal 8 to Drupal 9 upgrade

From $320
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