Firn H.
District HeidelbergSouth Africa
100% Job Success

Ghostwriter and Proofreader

I know that the best fiction doesn't just take the reader on an enchanting journey with likeable characters. The best fiction makes the reader feel something. That's why my work is known for its strong point-of-view, vivid storytelling, and poignant quality. I write fast and I care about the story I'm telling. I give it soul. I'm also a self-confessed grammar pedant with a background in editing everything from e-zines to non-fiction to anthologies. Perfectionism mixes with patience in my editing - I will not only correct your work, I'll also help you to produce higher-quality writing next time. Whether you need all-original work or your own work polished, let me at it and see it shine.

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  • WordPress
  • Nonfiction

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