Ayyaz Z.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

React.js, Next.js, OpenAI API, Angular, Node.js, Laravel, Wordpress

Hello! My name is Ayyaz Zafar. I have almost 13+ years of Professional experience in Web Applications Development. I am MICROSOFT CERTIFIED Web Developer. My Skills: HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Angular 4, Typescript, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax, PHP, MySQL, OOP, MVC, Mailchimp, Google Maps API, Automation, Web Scrapping / Crawling, Google Spreadsheet API integration. Below is the complete list of skills: Javascript: -- Angular ( Since Jan, 2016 ) -- jQuery ( Since Jan, 2012 ) -- Node.js ( Since Jan, 2017 ) -- Typescript ( Since Jan, 2017 ) -- ES5, ES6, ES7 CMS: -- Wordpress ( Since Jan, 2012 ) -- WooCommerce ( Since Jan, 2012 ) -- Redux Framework ( Since Jan, 2012 ) -- Theming ( Since Jan, 2012 ) -- Plugins Development ( Since Jan, 2012 ) -- Contact Form 7 ( Since Jan, 2012 ) PHP Frameworks: -- Codeigniter ( Since Jan, 2012 ) -- Laravel ( Since Jan, 2017 ) CSS Frameworks: -- Bootstrap ( Since Jan, 2012 ) Testing Frameworks: -- Jasmine ( Since Jan, 2016 ) -- Jest ( Since Jan, 2016 ) Payment Methods Integration: -Paypal ( Since Jan, 2016 ) -Stripe ( Since Jan, 2016 ) Unit Testing ( Since Jan, 2016 ) End to End Testing ( Since Jan, 2016 ) Linux: - Bash ( Since Jan, 2013 ) - LAMP ( Since Jan, 2011 ) Cloud: -- AWS Services ( Since April, 2018 ) -- Digital Ocean ( Since Jan, 2016 ) -- Serverless ( Since May, 2018 ) -- Docker ( Since March, 2018 ) -- Docker Compose ( Since March, 2018 ) -- Kubernetes ( Since Oct 2018 ) AWS Services: ( Since March, 2018 ) -- AWS Lambda -- AWS S3 Bucket -- AWS IAM -- AWS Greengrass -- AWS IoT -- Cloud Formation Mobile Development: ( Since Jan, 2016 ) -- Ionic -- Cordova -- Phonegap Git: ( Since Jan, 2015 ) -- Github -- Bitbucket DevOps: ( Since Jan, 2015 ) -- Continuous Integration -- Continuous Delivery I have worked on many different Big and Small Projects. Now I have a good amount of knowledge enough to Develop any kind of Web Based application. If you want Quality work with fast results in fair price, Contact me. You will not be disappointed.

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  • Angular
  • WordPress
  • SCSS
  • Next.js
  • Tailwind CSS
  • MySQL
  • Laravel

Get started working with Ayyaz quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Ayyaz quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get scalable Web App with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, & database Integration

From $500
7 days delivery

You will get responsive web app with angular and bootstrap

From $50
2 days delivery

You will get a static responsive bootstrap website from your PSD

From $30
2 days delivery