Matt G.
100% Job Success

Laravel, Shopify, Legacy

NOTE: prior to 2021, I was Top-Rated and Expert-Vetted with a 100% JSS score for more than 5 years. I took a break from Upwork to take an incredible full-time job offer. Understandably, JSS/Top-Rated expires, so my badge is gone (for now), but the quality of my work has only increased. But if you hire me for your job, I will give you the same 6-star quality work that I offered dozens of happy clients before and hopefully earn that 100% back :) === Is your previous developer in the wind? Are you unsure that your project is even possible? Do you have a ridiculous deadline? Do you want the peace of mind that comes from working with an expert? If you answered yes to any of those questions (and more), I'm your guy! I specialize in getting projects from where they are now (wherever that may be) across the finish line. While most developers avoid using other people's work at all costs, I revel in it: the messier the better. Exploring, tweaking and cleaning up code offers a special type of problem solving unmatched by most professions. I consider myself a scientist and spend a lot of time doing what I call "experiments" and other people may call "random pointless things." Both in computer science and other fields, I love to try things just to see what happens. As you investigate multiple fields, you begin to understand just how similar many things are. Abstract concepts in one field can be applied to another. Just a few miraculous feats I have accomplished in my recent tenure: 1. Completed 30 hours of work in 2 days to finish a project with a strict Monday deadline. 2. Boiled down more than a dozen 7000 line files to less than 500, while reducing load times by as much as 30 seconds. 3. Thought of a third thing for my list! As a teacher/tutor, I begin by inspiring my students with the same excitement and show them that learning is not necessarily a chore. I break down complicated concepts into easily digestible metaphors (often taken from analogies to other areas of study) and help them apply those concepts effectively, and to carry those lessons with them in the future. Bill Gates is famously quoted saying, "I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job… because, he will find an easy way to do it." With the right knowledge and tools, the "laziest" way often means the fastest way. And for me, it means the fastest way without sacrificing beauty (quality, elegance and speed). I'm always looking for exciting people and projects. Let's be excited together and create something we can both be proud of!

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  • Yii
  • WordPress
  • Shopify
  • Project Management

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