Arivia L.
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Research Analyst, English-Indonesian Translator

If you need a business or technical Indonesian translation, then I am the perfect translator for you. I am a native Indonesian speaker and speak fluent English. I have a BS in Chemical Engineering from Indonesia and an MBA in Marketing and Operations Management from the United States and have worked in both countries, as a Salesperson and a Project Manager with cross-functional teams. Having created marketing reports, business presentations, and technical data in both languages, I can also communicate with a variety of audiences (including those in technical, marketing, finance, and management fields). My knowledge of scientific and technical language, in particular, is an invaluable asset for anyone looking to translate professional, high-level documents for an Indonesian audience. Although my expertise is in business translation, I am happy to translate any other kind of text as well, large or small, including children’s books, mobile apps, and web or blog articles.

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  • English to Indonesian Translation
  • Consumer Research