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Share the ultimate knowledge of soul and being through mysterious magic of words themselves.

On 22.12.1992 I was born under a bad sign. As I crawled from wound with tears in my eyes not much have changed. Maybe I'm a bit more experienced with many different adventures of good nature too. With my goal to see as much as possible I travelled to Australia, Indonesia, Singapur, Malaysia, Brunei, Cambodia, Thailand, Laos, China and I've even had my peroid in Russian prison. Before my expedition I was studing Managment, which envoled too much of economics materialism for my kind and now I'm trying to finish Astronomy so one day I could explore the space. My intrested where always circling around fantasy, sci-fi books, movies, games, rock, reggae, blues music. Beside that I've been a addicted to sports like football, hockey, volleyball. snowboarding, sailing, surfing, diving and many different. Along with that I love photography and motorcycles.

Work Terms

Well, I am available 24/h per day. I prefer to work on hour rates but there no problem if someone's paying to get his job done. I prefer to use email,skype or simmilar form of communication.