Micah M.
DunedinNew Zealand

Site Reliability Engineer & Solutions Architect

I am a Site Reliability Engineer with over 16 years of professional experience in SysOps, DevOps and Software Architect. I am from New Zealand and currently living in Bulgaria, my time is flexible and I am happy to work hours to fit your needs, I'm easygoing & take responsibility for my work. I keep up to date with the latest technologies and consider myself a quick study able to pick up new languages, technologies and toolsets as needed. I am an early adopter of Kubernetes and container-based infrastructures and have over 7 years of experience developing, deploying and managing applications and micro services with Kubernetes and associated tooling on all major cloud providers. I primarily work with Kubernetes and ArgoCD on Azure, AWS, Google and Digital Ocean. Preferred jobs: - Migration from classic cloud approaches to Kubernetes - Establishing DevOps practices in combination with Kubernetes migrations - Establishing DevOps practices with existing Kubernetes clusters

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  • Kubernetes
  • PHP
  • WordPress
  • Node.js
  • JavaScript
  • Google Cloud Platform