Francisco Jose H.
100% Job Success

Stormgate Translations

I'm a spanish coder/translator that wants to improve and expand his knowledge through the best way: with proffesional and reliable work, getting other proffesional's approval on what i do. I started worked as a freelance translator in in 2006, earning a max rating in all the projects I've worked in. I provide high-quality translations to spanish and catalan, ensuring that my translations are free from grammatical errors, with an accurate, consistent and easy to read sintax. Nowadays I'm working in the Computer Vision Department in Creasoft SL, making test software for vision systems used in board assembly factories. Without counting every practice and work I've done at the University of Zaragoza, I've also created a bunch of web sites using both HTML and PHP coding and translated books, computer software, software manuals, web sites and some official documents.

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  • .NET Framework