Monica M.

Leadership and Education Consultant

I help leaders create the conditions for learning, growth, creativity, and peak performance. I am skilled in translating research into relatable, engaging, and actionable content and recommendations to meet my client’s needs. I thrive under pressure and have two Ivy League softball championships to prove it! I have completed Ph.D. coursework in Positive Development Psychology, hold an MA in Psychology and Evaluation Science from Claremont Graduate University and a BA in psychology from Harvard University. My research and applied work spans over 20 countries with clients ranging from global Fortune 500 companies to local school districts and community colleges. Recent projects include: * Deep-dive Executive assessments for hiring C-Suite candidates in a start-up tech company * Six, 5 to 12-minute leadership development videos for an online, educational technology company * A 90 minute stress and burnout workshop developed for an Australian human resource firm * A program evaluation of a student-workforce mentoring program in Hawaii * Strengths assessment and employee development reports for 50 engineers in Southern California. * Qualitative research and program evaluation for a nonprofit funder of youth sports programs in Southern California.

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  • Qualitative Research
  • Management Consulting
  • Program Evaluation
  • Health & Wellness