Oktay A.
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Danish Customer Service & Telemarketing

Hi! My name is Oktay, and I bring over 4 years of dedicated experience in both customer support and telemarketing. I have collaborated with a diverse range of companies, helping them achieve their customer service and sales goals. Fluent in Danish and English, I am well-equipped to provide exceptional service across multiple channels. Here’s how I can contribute to your business: 📞 Customer Support I have extensive experience in handling customer inquiries via email, chat, and phone (inbound and outbound). I am also responsible for managing social media and Trustpilot, ensuring a positive customer experience across all platforms. 💬 Communication I am adept at managing customer queries through live chat, email, phone, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, WhatsApp, and Telegram. Additionally, I am efficient in using ticketing platforms like Freshdesk, Helpdesk, Zendesk, etc., for managing support tickets. 📊 Proven Telemarketing Skills I have a successful track record in conducting telemarketing campaigns, including inbound and outbound campaigns, cold calling, and lead generation. I am skilled in identifying and qualifying leads, setting up meetings that convert to business opportunities, and conducting insightful market research interviews. 🔹 Key Competencies: 💡 Empathy and Patience: Expert in turning challenging situations into positive experiences, demonstrating empathy and patience. 💡 Effective Problem Resolution: Proficient in handling complaints and providing timely solutions and alternatives. 💡 Escalation Management: Capable of escalating issues to second-line support when necessary. 💡 Administrative Assistance: Available to assist with additional administrative tasks to support business operations. 🌟 Why Choose Me? 🌟 👍 Customer-Centric: I am committed to delivering exceptional customer experiences and building strong relationships. 👍 Proactive and Positive: Always maintaining a proactive approach and a positive attitude in every interaction. 👍 Reliable Availability: Ready to respond to customer needs around the clock. 👍 Clear Communicator: Ensuring clear and effective communication to enhance customer satisfaction. 👍 Product Knowledge: Familiar with a wide range of products and services to provide accurate and helpful support. 👍 Problem-Solving Excellence: Equipped with strong problem-solving skills to address and resolve customer issues efficiently. 👍 Friendly and Professional: A quality-focused, service-oriented professional dedicated to meeting and exceeding customer expectations. I am passionate about helping businesses succeed through excellent customer support and effective telemarketing strategies. Let’s collaborate to elevate your customer interactions and drive your business forward!

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  • Speeches