Shane C.
100% Job Success

Social Media Marketing specialist

The key to a successful business is to have your target market pick you over your competitors. The great thing about the internet and social media is not only can they find you but they can also spread the word for you quickly. The major issue most small businesses have with social media is that they can't afford to hire someone full time to perform the required duty's and they try to do it as a collateral duty. That is where a freelance Social Media Marketer like myself can help. We can give you the focused marketing you need without the cost. No matter how big or small your budget is I can work out a marketing plan to help you business expand its online reach and in turn its profits. Unlike most of the freelance social media marketers that either just got out of high school or are from countries that can't relate to your needs I am a degreed professional who has many years of professional experience. My highest degree is an MBA in marketing from the University of New Orleans. I have spent 5 years in the US. Marines learning about leadership and getting the job done. After the Marines I have spent the past 12 years in project management. the reason any of that matters is that social media is about relating to your target group. I have the experience to do just that. I am a husband of over 12 years and a father of 3. They are the reason I do freelance social media work on top of my normal job. I want to give them the best life that I can. Thank in advance for giving me a try.

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  • Social Media Management
  • Project Management
  • Search Engine Optimization

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