fnu p.

Full-Stack Ruby On Rails Developer

Since 2010 I have been in web development, I am quite experienced with various technologies especially with Ruby On Rails, Shopify and React. I have worked with many startup companies and companies that are quite large, and work with international teams. I have the ability backend, frontend and system admin, I can help you to create and develop a system that you want, I have such ability is 1. RoR 2. TDD / BDD 3. REST API 4. Angular 5. PostgreSQL / MySQL 7. Shopify Expert (Custom Development and Custom Theme) 6. Php 7. Heroku 8. Amazon S3 9. Amazon EC2 10. Linux (ubuntu / redhat) 11. jquery, CoffeeScript, Vue Js 12. CSS3, less / sass, HTML / HTML5


  • Vue.js
  • Shopify Apps
  • Shopify Plus
  • Spree