Saif S.
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14+ yrs in VoIP & WebRTC Softwares, Mobile & Web Apps Development

Over 14+ Yrs experience in VoIP (Asterisk, Freeswitch) & WebRTC Softwares (Jitsi, Janus, Kurento, Wowza) Development, Media Streaming, Server Architectures, Web & Smartphones Applications WebRTC Application Development - Audio & Video Conferencing - WebRTC, Jitsi, Twillio, OpenTok, Kurento - Screen Sharing, Recording - Online Tutoring and E Learning - Telemedicine and Health Applications - Video Broadcasting and Live Streaming - SFU, STUN & Multiple Server architectures VoIP Service: - Asterisk/Freeswitch/OpenSIP/Kamilio setup & Configurations - PBX System & Software Development - Unified Communication Software - CallCenter Softwares - DID Management - Auto/Predictive Dialer - Mobile or Sip or VoIP Dialers - Real Time billing software - Distributed Server Architecture - Load Balancing and failover setup - Server Administration, Maintenance & 24*7 Support IOS/Android Apps Development: - Location Based Applications - GPS Based Application Development - Social Networking - SMS, IM Chat Implementation - Travelling, Navigation, and Weather forecasting Apps - VoIP/SIP Dialer - Restaurant, Marketplace, Ecommerce Applications Website and Web Application Development - Static/dynamic Site design & Development - PHP, Laravel, Yii2 - Ecommerce Sites - Content Management System - Full Stack Development (Node.js, React, Angular, ReactNative, Vue.js) Technology, Platforms and languages expertise: Frontend Web: Angular, React.js, Vue.js, PHP Backend: Java, PHP, Laravel, Node.js, Python Mobile: Swift, native, react native, Kotlin, Electron Others: Websocket, Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Jira, auth0, Firebase, Ejabbered Cloud Solution: AWS, Google cloud, Azure, Digital Ocean, Hetzner CI/CD: Gitlab CI, Bamboo CI, Bitbucket CI, Jenkins WebRTC: Native, Kurento, Tokbox, Jitsi, janus, OpenVidu VoIP: Freeswitch, Asterisk, Twillio, Kamilio, FusionPBX, FreePBX, SIPJs Web Server: Nginx, Apache 

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  • WebRTC
  • React Native
  • Flutter
  • VoIP Software
  • Kamailio
  • Streaming Platform
  • Video Stream