Ankur V.
100% Job Success
Rising Talent

Full Stack Developer - Laravel, Vue.js, React.js, LAMP Stack

🏆 Top 3% Freelancer ( Top Rated Plus ) 💰 $60k+ Earned 💯 100% Job Success Score 👨‍💻 6+ Years of Experience LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) & TALL(TailwindCSS, Alpine.js, Laravel, Livewire) Stack Developer ✅ And here’s what I am best for : ✔ Backend Development, ✔ Produce adaptive and user-friendly UI with React and Vue.js, server-side rendering, single-page apps, progressive web apps, and standard HTML pages. ✔ I am competent enough at customizing and implementing third-party APIs and Rest APIs. Also worked on JSON and SOAP. ✔ Working on code refactoring, bug fixing, and enhancement, speed optimization, maintaining scalability, reliability, and 100% security throughout the app; ✅ Some of my most successful Industrial projects include: ✔ eСommerce marketplace apps, ✔ eLearning platforms, ✔ Restaurant/Cafe Management APP with POS, ✔ Hotel/Resort booking portal, ✔ Pet services. ✔ Inventory and Sales Management. ✔ Multi-vendor application development. As for my soft skills, I am a good team player having good exposure to leading and working with remote teams and maintaining code on the Git repositories. I always thoroughly test my work and always follow the best coding standards. As a coder, I always strive to build reusable and easy-to-understand code and ensure the performance is fast. To make the work more efficient, I use Scrum and Kanban methodologies, but if the project requires some other development approach - I am ready to consider that as well. I will be glad to discuss our possible cooperation 🤝.

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  • Tailwind CSS
  • Vue.js
  • Laravel
  • JavaScript
  • Custom PHP
  • Unit Testing
  • Docker
  • CI/CD
  • MySQL
  • CodeIgniter
  • Linux
  • API