LeeAnn E.

Graphic Designer, Print & Digital

Hello from Las Vegas! I'm an experienced and multi-talented graphic designer with a focus on news and information graphics. My focus up to now has been on making the news exciting, engaging and accessible for print readers. Now, I'm looking to expand my reach to the other spaces people inhabit - whether it be through advertising, social media or other forms of storytelling. I love that my work thus far has allowed me to learn about a wide variety of topics and am excited to hear about your next project! NOTE: My hourly rate might seem a little high for a freelance website, but this is because I have worked for years doing the same type of work full-time and can guarantee that you will be satisfied with what I produce for you and your business. My rates are flexible if you are on a fixed budget, however, and I'm always willing to discuss details and compromise to fit a client's needs. OTHER SKILLS: While I have worked primarily as a designer, I also have a wide variety of experience with editing (both for news and for scholarly purposes) and photography (photojournalism, photo editing) and would love to pick up related assignments!

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  • Brochure
  • Photo Editing
  • General Transcription