Santiago R.
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CG Artist

¨A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.¨ Bob Dylan. I consider myself very lucky to have found a career in something I love to do. The key to achieve great quality in a given job lies in the passion one puts into it; and I can´t think of anything else I´d rather be doing than this. I'm a CG generalist and founder of Mibi Studio and have experience in all aspects of the CG pipeline. (3d modeling low/high poly, texturing&shading, lighting, rendering, rigging, animation, post production still/video, motion graphics, etc.) With many years of production experience, Mibi Studio is formed by a group of professionals that combined, bring ideas to life. The studio specializes in CGI/3D (stills and animation) for the advertising, architecture and motion graphics industries. Service Description I take pride in the quality of my work and, most importantly, the satisfaction of my customers. 3D Animation Using 3D Animation I can put together all the assets and elements modelled and created for you into a coherant and effective, realistic (or stylistic!) visual piece, that can show exactly what you want to show and make the audience feel exactly what you want them to feel. 3D Stills "A picture is worth a thousand words" refers to the notion that a complex idea can be conveyed with just a single still image. It is possible to absorb large amounts of data quickly just by looking at an image. It is my job to gather all your information and capture it in one or several images to tell the public a story that they can feel and comprehend. Motion Graphics Another great way of showing ideas through graphics. I can create impressive 2D/3D motion graphics that tell your stories in a simple and stylistic way.

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  • Architectural Rendering