Jesse N.
98% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Virtual Assistance ExtraOrdinaire

Thank you for viewing my Profile, I am a detailed and thorough professional with 14 years of administrative experience the last 10 years in a "virtual office". I have extensive experience in marketing, advertisement, and small business management. I specialize in delivering quality services with respect to strict deadlines and high expectations I am equipped with a dedicated home office complete with a computer, color printer, and uninterrupted internet connection with great internet speed. I provide creative and detailed administrative duties, writing, SEO, Data Entry, Internet research, website design, digital marketing, and Real Estate management. **Client Review** "Jesse was fantastic. He completed what we needed to do in a timely fashion and was on time for every meeting. I highly recommend Jesse for all future roles he applies for. He is a great freelancer and an overall very nice person! Thanks again, Jesse!"

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