Vepa D.
98% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

SaaS Development Specialist - .NET Core, Angular, Microsoft Azure

I am a master web developer with over a decade of experience on Upwork with a stellar reputation. I help businesses create revolutionary software products and achieve breakthrough results. The most significant value I provide is the peace of mind, knowing that you have hired the absolute best person for the job, and no matter what, technical issues will never hinder your progress. I rank in the top 1% of the entire Upwork by no coincidence. I specialize and have proven experience in the following project types: - SaaS Platforms. - E-Commerce. - Social Network Websites. - Educational Platforms, LMS. - Freelance Platforms. - Health and Meal Planning Applications. - HIPPA Compliant Healthcare Solutions. - Gambling and Sports Betting Websites. Here is how it works: 1. We schedule an exploratory call to discuss your project and see if I am a good fit. If I am not, you will benefit from a free consulting call, and I will also help you find the right freelancer for the job. 2. Suppose we decide to proceed after the call. In that case, I will do extensive research and develop the best approach for your project, select the technology stack, plan out a road map, break down the development into modules and create a schedule. I will share this report with you for your revision. 3. Once the development plan is in place, I will suggest a payment structure broken down into convenient milestones. And I will propose a reporting schedule for maximum transparency. 4. Throughout the development, I will be providing live results for your feedback. A great product never comes from a predefined plan but results from a flexible development that is open to revisions, criticism, and improvements, and this is the path we will be taking. Every line of code written by my team or me will be tested countless times by a dedicated full-time professional tester. 5. After project delivery and even after the job is closed on Upwork, I will always provide free bug fixes, regardless of how much time has passed. 5.1. Bonus: A remarkable product is never truly done; it is alive. I am always pro-long-term. If you wish to keep the product updated and release new versions, I will be delighted to help. I excel at the following languages and technologies: - C#, .NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, ASP.NET Web API, Winforms, WPF. - Angular. - HTML, CSS, JavaScript, JQuery. - SQL, Microsoft SQL Server. - Microsoft Azure. I also have extensive experience with a vast number of APIs, including but not limited to: Twilio, SendGrid, Twitter API, Facebook API, Amazon API, Walmart API, Google AI, Google Translate, Google Maps, Google Trends, Microsoft AI, Azure B2B, OpenCV, Canon API, iTextSharp, Crypto Payments APIs, Crypto Exchange APIs... I take great pride in what I do; I make no compromises and build with reliability. Allow me to enable you to focus on what matters and let me take care of the technical side.

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  • SaaS
  • ChatGPT
  • Desktop Application
  • C#
  • Full-Stack Development
  • Business with 1-9 Employees
  • Business with 10-99 Employees
  • Startup Company
  • .NET Core
  • Minimum Viable Product


Endorsements from past clients

"I have been a client of Mr. Durdiyev for more than 11 years, and I am very satisfied with the work delivered. His approach to all our IT projects has been with great responsibility and focus on achieving results with maximum efficiency. Vepa's skills and experience always gives us confidence and peace of mind in successful completion and assembling a reliable team to execute IT projects of various levels of complexity."

Ahmet A. | E.S. TAG CEO and Founder
Software development Jul 2020


"Extraordinary professional! I hired Mr. Durdiyev to help with our company’s website development from the beginning, and it has been an honor to work with some-one of his calibre. He was easy to work and communicate with. He brought some very good ideas to the project. Would strongly recommend him."

Burak Can G. | CEO and Founder
Web Development. Jun 2020
