Igor S.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Web scraping & Lead Generation Specialist

I have over 2 years of in depth expertise in building email list & lead generation. I've proven my ability to provide quality service. I have a great typing speed (up to 100wpm) with great accuracy and high level of English knowledge which makes me ideal for data entry jobs as well. I'm a fast learner, professional, reliable and honest person. I like to think outside of the box and I aim to find a solution for every problem. I have a lot of knowledge in various programming languages such as Python, but I excel at HTML and CSS. I'm also familiar with databases and managing them. Most usual services I provide: - Lead Generation & Data Mining - Automation, Python - Web Research & Web Scrapping - Contact Information Research (Email, Phone, etc.) - Data Analysis & Data Entry (up to 100WPM with over 95% accuracy) - Market & Customer research - Various Admin tasks - HTML, CSS

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  • HTML
  • Browser Automation
  • Selenium
  • Python