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  • Usability Testing
  • Basic


  • Usability Testing

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I can evaluate your website, application, desktop or hand held device to be sure that your users/clients can accomplish their tasks.

    Usability Testing
  • WebSite Assessment

    $5/hr Starting at $25 Ongoing

    Dedicated Resource

    I will evaluate your website for adherence to standards and guidelines, making sure that all basic functionality is present and the navigation flow is consistent.

    BasicUsability Testing


I help you identify ways to make your website, application or hand held device easier for your customers to use.

My consulting firm is Usability Insights, Inc. Primarily I work with companies in the California Bay Area who are selling a product or service online. My goal is to help companies become more productive by identifying ways to make their websites easier for people to use. 60% of shopping carts are abandoned without completing the sale. I can help you figure out why your customers are finishing the process and make recommendations to fix the problem.

I also work with physical products (like cameras, phones, machinery, etc) to evaluate their usability and where the problems are.

Usability applies to how people interact in the world with the tools and products around them. There is always room for improvement. If you have realized that your website is not bringing in the kind of business you expected, or people are coming to your site but then not buying your product, I can help you identify where the problem is and work with your development team to create solutions.

Specialties: Moderate task-based usability evaluations, Best Practice reviews, Field Studies and Heuristic evaluations.

Founded: 2005

Work Terms

Usually work on a project basis rather than hourly.
Contact me for a proposal and estimate.

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