Lydiah K.
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Experienced SaaS/ B2B/ B2C SEO expert- Boosting Your Online Presence

Hello, I'm Lydiah, an experienced content strategist who's all about crafting a winning online presence. Whether you're a business, blogger, or website owner – I've got your back. Let's dive into how I can level up your digital game. Web & Blog Content - Crafting Captivating Content for Maximum Online Impact I specialize in crafting persuasive and high-quality content. Whether you need engaging articles, captivating blog posts, or compelling web copy, my writing expertise will attract new leads and elevate your brand's reputation. I understand the unique requirements of the personal B2B, B2C, finance, fintech, SaaS, Tech, Green energy, and real estate sectors, ensuring content that captivates readers and drives conversions. Topical Mapping Expertise Oh, and don't miss my secret weapon: topical mapping. I'll guide your content to shine in its niche. Let's weave relevance and resonance – your key to standing out. Want help with uploading and optimizing for SEO on WordPress? Get Strategic Content Creation - Elevate Your Online Presence with Captivating Content I dissect your website, its content, and its structure. The goal? Making it irresistible to both search engines and readers. Keywords get researched and smartly placed. Meta tags, headings, and links get a revamp. Your site becomes a well-oiled content machine. I also skillfully optimize the content on CMS by utilizing powerful SEO tools like Yoast, RankMath, and SurferSEO; I can ensure that your content scores over 80% in terms of optimization. Off-Page Success: More than your site matters. I amp up your authority with strong moves off-page. Stellar backlinks, social buzz, influencer chats – we'll nail it. Cool guest posts and shareable stuff boost your brand big time. Fixing Problems: Are you stuck with traffic or site woes? I'm here. Google penalties, old content, engagement issues – I sort them. Your problems become growth opportunities. Let's rock your online presence! I possess a range of skills, including: Proficiency in Search Engine Optimization (SEO) Expertise in SEO Keyword Research Mastery of On-Page SEO for WordPress Adeptness in driving Organic Traffic Growth Skillful SEO Writing Competence in crafting effective Landing Pages Proficiency in strategic SEO Backlinking Tools I Use: Empowering Your Projects for Success I utilize various powerful tools to ensure my work's highest quality and efficiency. These include: -SemRush, Yoast, RankMath, and SurferSEO for SEO optimization, -Hootsuite and SproutSocial for social media management, -BuzzSumo for content discovery, -GiPhy for animated graphics, -Canva for design creation, -Airtable, ClickUp, and Trello for project management, -G-suite for collaboration, -Google Docs and MS Excel for data organization, You can expect a dedicated professional who adheres to deadlines, meticulously follows instructions, and consistently delivers high-quality work across multiple disciplines. I am committed to fostering long-term working relationships and ensuring your financial and real estate success. If you want to work together, don't hesitate to book a discovery call. I'm excited to contribute to your projects and achieve exceptional results. Best regards, Lydiah

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  • On-Page SEO
  • Online Writing