Carlos S.
100% Job Success

Senior Golang, Laravel, Symfony, VueJs, Kibana Developer

I am an experienced Software Developer; I spent the last eight years in Php/Python/GoLang working with differents frameworks, Zend/Laminas, Symfony, Laravel, Echo, Fasthttp, Fiber. And Frontend Frameworks like AngularJs and VueJs. I have strong knowledge of different DBs Mysql/Postgresql/Redis/Memcached I also have good knowledge of Frontend Frameworks like Angular/VueJs. I like to write clean, efficient, and testable software. I was a senior developer in FedEx Cross Border and managed several PHP/Golang/Zend/Vue projects. Several API integrations with Payment Processors(Adyen/Bluesnap), Risk Assessment(Riskified/Kount), Marketplace(Amazon/Walmart), cloud management(Azure, AWS).

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  • PostgreSQL
  • MySQL
  • Symfony
  • Laravel
  • API