Neha R.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Senior Expert in SEO, Technical SEO, SEO Specialist, SEO Audit

I am an SEO/SEM/SMM professional having 14+ year of experience and owner of Triitans Solitaire I have been ranking my clients and my own websites on top of Google, week after week and month after month, I have passed all the panda, penguin, pegion, hummingbird updates without a scratch. I have helped companies in all industries–ranging from small companies to fortune 500 firms–harness the earning potential of search engines. Located in Chandigarh , I am changing the way SEO services are being viewed in the industry. I handle each and every campaign with personalised attention. I walk you through every step of the process – from researching competition and finding appropriate keywords to negotiating your budget and monitoring your progress. I’ve been involved in the industry for 11+ years. Although I’ve seen the landscape of SEO change throughout that decade, my methods have been stayed resilient throughout its history. Why HIRE ME? My service is 100% guaranteed and ensures transparency. All my points will be bulleted for easy understanding, 1) Expertise in keyword research and competition analysis via various tools 2) In-Depth understanding SEO Ranking factors 3) Healthy Experience with Google Penguin Ban Filters and Recovery 4) Acquire quality search engine friendly backlinks 5) Strong technical experience with On-Site Optimization and Website SEO issues 6) HTML, PHP, ASP.NET, Wordpress, Joomla and other major ecommerce portal working experience 7) Extensive experience with website usability and bounce rate reduction 8) In-depth knowledge about Google Penguin, Panda & Hummingbird Algorithms 9) Handful experience with Analytics, Goals, Funnels, Tracking and custom reports Every week, my clients are given a weekly report to chart the progress they’ve made so far and projections for where they'll rank in coming months. I show you samples of the links we build so you know exactly what you’re paying for. Best of all, your links will always be in place. Even after you’ve paid, your return on investment continues to grow. I am willing to invest in you up front to prove what I am capable of. My SEO methods are so reputable that you will be able to see ranking improvements within the first two weeks. I create backlinks on a daily basis using organic content and adhering to industry standards of SEO. I monitor changes in Google’s algorithms everyday, allowing me to excel at what I do. Here are the list of activities that I am capable of performing : 1. Search Engine Optimization (Post Penguin 3.0 SEO) On-page SEO Off-page Monthly SEO Local SEO Google Places SEO 2. Search Engine Marketing PPC Ads development and management Google Adwords campaign development and management Facebook Ads campaign development and management Yahoo Ads campaign development and management Bing Ads campaign development and management. Landing page development for Wordpress website design. 3. Facebook management: Custom branded landing tab Integration of facebook deals Integration of facebook places Develop a facebook strategy relevant to your business Implement the strategy, regular viral status updates Deleting spams Maintenance of facebook page Developing, maintaining and integrating facebook ad campaigns 4. Twitter Management Post regular tweets relevant to your audience and followers Custom twitter background design. Increase new targeted followers. Increase engagement with current followers 5. Blog Management Regular posts on your blog with relevant content to your business and audience. SEO friendly unique new engaging content for blogs. 6. Pinterest Marketing and Management: Manage Pinboards and start new ones Increase followers on Pinterest. 7. Google+ Management Post regular posts and links relevant to your audience and followers Custom Google+ top banner design. Increase new targeted followers. Increase engagement with current followers Develop and post creative content that has SEO value. 8. Email Marketing : HTML Email campaign design Email content creative wiring Integration of HTML design on Mailchimp, Constant Contact, iContact, Aweber etc. Integrate email marketing software with Wordpress based website. 9. Mobile App Marketing : Marketing iOS apps in the app store to increase downloads. Marketing Android apps to increase downloads. 10. Copywriting : Blog writing for Wordpress or Tumblr based blog. SEO Writing Article Writing Web Content Writing that has SEO value. 11. Press Releases: Writing and Distribution Writing Press release distribution. Hope to get in touch with you soon. Warm Regards, Neha Digital Marketing Specialist

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  • SEO Strategy
  • Content SEO
  • Search Engine Marketing
  • Off-Page SEO
  • SEO Audit
  • Yoast SEO
  • Technical SEO
  • Local SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Search Engine Marketing Strategy
  • SEO Competitor Analysis