Roma T.
100% Job Success

PHP, Laravel, Open Cart E-commerce developer

My experience: - PHP and MSQL development experience 12+ years; - HTML, CSS - experience 12+ years; - OpenCart development experience 9+ years; - Laravel development experience 7+ years; - Symfony development experience 5+ years; - Vue js development experience 4 years; - Java Script, Jquery - Bootstrap - Stripe I am an IT engineer and expert web developer currently working with remote contract opportunities. I love to do challenging jobs and passionate about learning new technologies to fulfill the job requirement that comes on my way. Depending upon the project size and needs I can work myself or delegate it to my team as well. If you are seeking serious web product development with a high quality of work with fast turn around & at a fair price, please contact me you won't be disappointed. I can help you with effective communication, projects architecture, user management, and scalability across a your business.

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  • Laravel
  • Yii2
  • Sass
  • Vue.js