Kimberly Q.
West ParkFL
100% Job Success

Expert Bookkeeper/QB Online Certified Pro Advisor/Payroll Specialist

Bookkeeping is my passion! If you are looking for communication, a positive attitude, and teamwork; look no further! Bookkeeping can be very personal at times and you want to hire someone trustworthy, reliable, and compassionate. You want to hire someone you enjoy working with! I have 6+ years of experience in all areas of bookkeeping. My experience gives me a well-rounded knowledge base that gives me the confidence to provide value to your business. I have impeccable work ethic and excellent attention to detail that sets me apart from most. I will help you get organized; I will create and help you implement new processes, and I will help you keep your financials up to date on a recurring basis. I am always looking to stay up to date with technology and adapt quickly to new programs. I am innovative and resourceful! I would love to chat with you and learn more about your needs! Hit me up and let me help you stay in line with your financials! I look forward to hearing from you!

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  • Payroll Accounting
  • Accounts Payable