Rifat A.
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Affiliate, SEO & Content Marketing Expert with 15+ Years of Experience

A major mistake every company does is - they invest on SEO with one company, and then invest in Affiliate with another company. And, probably takes content from another company! It creates a big data-gap, a big list of "missing opportunities" that leads to a loss in potential revenue. See this, your backlink guy is probably closing a few links every week, but getting over a hundred "no we are not interested" or "seen but no reply" from these outreaches. What if they could pitch in - hey you know want, you can also make good money with us if you just add this coupon with the post, or spread this article in your social media with this coupon. Do you think you would get a few more links & additional revenue? Yes, for sure. Also, what if your SEO stretigst would know - there will be 30 influencers pushing positive review content next month, do you think it would help him come up with a better strategy? Yes, for sure. Again, if your affiliate manager is loosing leads because they want some money to post an article? Asking for sponsor fee to be an affiliate? For sure yes. What if your affiliate manager could offer them some money for publishing the article and same time offer commission. Do you think he could close a few additinal affiliates every week? Yes! He could. Do you think, if your affiliate manager would know, hey we won these 10 backlinks from these blogs, and now we are in good terms. Do you want to try and see if they want to be your affiliate? Your Affiliate manager would definately LOVE getting those data from your SEO manager. And, what if, in addition to these two guys, there were a content manager working with BOTH of them to bring in contents that works great for each of those channels, and knew the customer journey. Yes you are profitable, but you can be more profitable. Because, if you do not have a combined strategy & resource sharing setup for SEO & Affiliate, both tuned up by a content strategist - you are probably not profiting as much as you should. If you want to hit the full potential by combining strategy for both of the channels, with an internal data-sharing policy, with a high converting combined content strategy, please get in touch with me with your business link. Let me check & inform you, what kind of growth you can expect. Also, no problem if you are just starting out, I can help you plan your marketing channels, content strategy and help you be profitable ASAP. About me, I have a solid 12 years of experince as Fractional CMO, with specialization in Advance SEO & High Ticket Affiliate. I have worked for Fortune 500 companies, I have worked with startups, and I have also worked with bedroom entrepreneurs. To give you a bigger picture - I have worked with over 3000+ CEO's, I have worked with 50+ agencies, I have worked with 1000's of customers, 25,000+ affiliates. I helped many companies hit their million, published over 5000K+ words online, and earned the badge of industry leader into many leading agency rankers such as clutch. In the last 12 years, I have developed a full idea about the digital marketing landscape of online businesses. I own MonsterClaw LLC, which is one of the best Digital Marketing Agencies in the world, and I have a team of 41+ Google Certified Marketers to simply get things done. At MonsterClaw, we are friendly and fun to work people, but end of the day we are actually monsters when it comes to tearing down the market competetion, and push you in front of the crowd. P.S. I do not work around casino / adult / gambling / betting industry. And, if you own any healthcare product you need to be FDA approved, or you need to have the product made in an FDA approved facility. P.P.S. If you are a e-com brand (not a dropship), or a SaaS with MRR model, please ping me. I've helped many companies hit $10K to $1m in less then a year, and I can help you too. I love working in chellenging projects. (Example, you are into very competetive space, or your traffic is dropping, or you are a victim of negative SEO, or google penalized you, etc) Please get in touch if you have a project with chellenge in mind. Thank You, Rifat

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  • Sales & Marketing
  • Shopify SEO
  • SEO Strategy
  • Search Engine Marketing Strategy
  • Affiliate Marketing Website
  • Digital Marketing Strategy
  • Search Engine Marketing

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