Rachel S.
New YorkNY
100% Job Success

Product Marketing Manager

As a Marketing and Product Manager, I bring success both in researching, roadmapping and managing the development journey of new products and features for mobile and web apps, and with creating marketing campaigns to bring awareness to these products. This includes experience with integrations and working with partners, UX and customer journey research and design, market fit research and competitor analyses, and website design, management, and SEO using Google Analytics. With close to 5 years of experience in product and marketing for both partner-centric and consumer focused startups, and a background in high level research psychology, I can seamlessly research, analyze, and translate data, as well as empathetically understand company, user, and partner needs. I found I excel at translating needs cross-functionally internally and externally both to create new products and features and to market them to a wider audience. I greatly enjoy combining project criteria from stakeholders, developers and designers to create products that are intuitive and enjoyable to use, and in figuring out how to market those products with messaging that will connect with a diverse audience.

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  • Business Correspondence
  • Project Scheduling
  • Music
  • Photography