Justin S.
Queens CountyNY
100% Job Success

Software/Web Developer + Systems Administrator with a knack for Design

Hi, I’m Justin, a full-stack web developer with a background that extends across a number of fields. Much of my professional life is focused on building applications with frameworks like ReactJS, down to simple e-commerce websites in WordPress. I have extensive experience with backend development in python and JavaScript,, AWS and GCP for server management, microservice architecture, and more. On the other side of the spectrum, I'm also experienced with creating beautiful, unique designs in Figma. I’ve spent the last 12 years working alongside the founding teams of startups and small businesses, keeping a watchful eye on how a business is built and run off-screen. After my initial years with law and e-commerce startups, I brought my skills to healthcare and elderly care facilities, and I’m always looking to bring my knowledge to those who need it most. Whether you’re a budding startup or small local business looking to grow your brand, or an established presence looking to expand it further, I’m here to make it happen.

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  • Python
  • WordPress
  • SQL
  • SEO Performance
  • Linux System Administration
  • Small Business Administration

Get started working with Justin quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Justin quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Responsive HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from your designs

From $99
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