Berenice L.
Cape TownSouth Africa

Translation English to French

I am French born and raised but living in South Africa and therefore fluent in both French and English. I have been doing translations from English to French for over 10 years now. I have already translated many websites as well as marketing material, apps, games and all kinds of articles, I also used to translate commercial lease agreements. I am able to keep the meaning and style of your original text. I might use a dictionary if I have a doubt about a word and/or do some research about a particular subject if need be, but I do not use Google Translate or do literal translation. I work fast and accurately and can meet short deadlines if need be. I am fully dedicated to my job and always give the best of myself. I like things well done. As communication with my clients is essential to me, I make sure to stay in touch with them throughout the duration of the contract and don't hesitate to give them updates and ask questions if I am not sure about the context or requirements, in order to make sure the translation is 100% accurate. Berenice

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  • French
  • French to English Translation
  • Community Moderation
  • Social Customer Service