Fashion Design Freelance Jobs in United Kingdom:

  • Responsive Banner Design - Desktop Only.

    Experience Level: Expert
    Hourly: £999 GBP / hr
    location_on United Kingdom
    Hi there We're looking for a seasoned pro designer! Someone who understands responsive graphic design - this is important. We need a full width, desktop banner designing that takes into consideration the breaking points on the different screen sizes for desktop. ... More
  • Small website design with timeline

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £100 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    I require a small responsive website with three main categories. I am building a small "memorial" website for an online game I launched back in 2007 when I was back at university. I spent a number of years developing the game but I stopped a long time ago. I have decided to ... More
  • New start up logo design

    Experience Level: Intermediate
    Fixed-Price: £69 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    Hi We need a very simple streamlined logo creating for a new start up. Just the company name with a veuve cliquot orange background to use on templates , stationary etc. The company name is Repton Plants Ltd
  • Spreadsheet Design for Stock Planning

    Experience Level: Entry
    Fixed-Price: £75 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    Looking for someone to help create a stock planning spreadsheet by SKU for my e-commerce business. Please get in touch for further information and discuss details.
  • Picture Design - Kanye West recreation

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £100 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    I wanted someone to design a specific piece of for me. i have a picture in mind and want it recreated into digital art. Picture one is the picture i wanted recreated - picture 2 is the style i would like.
  • Design my website on Wix

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £100 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    I need someone experienced with Wix to design & implement my website. I run a garden events business & require a website to match the quality service we provide. We hire Igloos, Marquees, Hot Tubs, Bouncy Castles, Magic Mirrors, Giant outdoor Cinema as well as a few other things ... More
  • Web design and landing pages

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £200 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    we have a fully operational website that we recently had built from scratch, however our web developer is good with coding but not very good with design. So we need somebody who can take our current website and make it more user friendly/easy on the eye. Our goal is to convert more traffic ... More
  • UK Based website design partner

    Experience Level: Entry
    Hourly: £15 GBP / hr
    location_on United Kingdom
    We are a UK based web design agency. Looking for a junior/freelancer to support on website projects built using Wordpress. - Most have a good understanding of building sites with Elementor. We pride ourselves on creating beautiful sites for our clients, that work across all screen si ... More
  • Brand Design for Awards Ceremony

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £88 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    I am looking for a designer to work with to create a logo and supplementary visuals for an awards event.
  • Design ideas for curtain finials

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £165 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    I'm looking for a designer who can create ideas/visuals/CADs for some new Curtain finials