T-shirts Freelance Jobs in United Kingdom:

  • I'm looking for a FB/IG ad genius to help me with ads

    Experience Level: Intermediate
    Hourly: £22 GBP / hr
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    Hi! I'm looking for a FB/IG ad genius to help me set up custom audiences for a couple of my brands. I don't need you to run it or monitor it, just do research and set up the demographics that will help me reach my desired audience. Please only apply if you have a ... More
  • Millicast Java and Swift Android/ IOS. Chromecast

    Experience Level: Expert
    Hourly: £25 GBP / hr
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    https://github.com/millicast/Millicast-ObjC-SDK-iOS-Sample-App-in-Swift https://github.com/millicast/millicast-sdk We want to build apps so we can watch streams from millicast which is a WEBRTC streaming platform millicast.com There are SDk's to do this but we need ... More
  • Year end accounts for small UK limited company

    Experience Level: Entry
    Fixed-Price: £100 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    I need to file my year end accounts before the end of the year. The company is small and only has a couple of transactions from some contracting work I've done and there aren't many other transactions. I have everything together in a folder already and this will be the company� ... More
  • Sketch Drawing of a Boat

    Experience Level: Entry
    Fixed-Price: £6 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    Hi, I am looking for someone that can do concept sketches of boats abit like attached. We have the final designs of the boat but would like to back-word engineer the design sketchs to show the design process. You don't need experience with boats as long as you are comfortable. ... More
  • Looking for freelancer to help me with digital marketing

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £95 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    Hi, I recently launched educational subscription box for toddlers: https://mylittlekeepers.com/ I'm looking for freelancer to help me to promote my website and ideally generate sales. Potential candidate would have Zoom meeting prior hiring to discasse job more in det ... More
  • I need data of financial advisors & Wealth Managers in Dubai

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £80 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    I require data of financial advisors and wealth managers in Dubai, specifically ones dealing with the Expat Market. From companies such as Globaleye, Credence etc. The data I require is Name, CELL NUMBER (No office numbers), email, linkedin profile, company and job title. If ... More
  • Clean up of audio tape

    Experience Level: Intermediate
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    Unfortunately, the audio I have you cannot hear what the lady is saying on the phone due to a terrible echo on her side which I think is to do with being in a large empty conference room of some sort. We need this lady to be clearer so that we can transcribe it. Could you help? If you k ... More
  • I need to link a React API with my php session

    Experience Level: Entry
    Fixed-Price: £40 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    I need someone to help me linking a React API with my php start_session() so the users don't have to log in twice. The React page needs to find the username stored in the session and therefore log in automatically to the correct account in the React API. I will send you my php page an ... More
  • Wordpress Theme Update - Php5/php7

    Experience Level: Entry
    Fixed-Price: €150 EUR
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    I need to upgrade my wordpress theme to the latest version and some plugins to benefit the best performance of php7. New theme version need very few customization, previous developer didn't use child theme and now we have to make it again on the child theme. Theme: https: ... More
  • Re-write / Copy 28 page ebook

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: £300 GBP
    location_on United Kingdom
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    Heya, I'm looking for someone to re-write / re-word a nutritional educational toolkit I created whilst working for another health and fitness brand I use to manage/ work for so I can launch my own business with material that won't get copyrighted/ with my new brand logos. ... More