Time Management Freelance Jobs in United States:

  • Angular Expert needed to work on Angular Material based project

    Experience Level: Intermediate
    Hourly: $4 - $5 / hr
    location_on United States
    Source: upwork.com
    A Front-End Developer needed for creating a very interactive/responsive Web App for managing cloud features. Good front-end design skills and experience with Angular Material, Draw2D is preferred. This individual will have following experience: Modern Front End Skill (Angular 10, ... More
  • Python + Database Developer for Renewable Energy Data Pipeline Project

    Experience Level: Intermediate
    Hourly: $50 - $200 / hr
    location_on United States
    Source: upwork.com
    Greenbacker Capital (https://greenbackercapital.com/) is a renewable energy infrastructure fund that raises money from investors and invests it into renewable energy infrastructure projects like wind farms and solar arrays that the company then owns and operates for the long-term. We' ... More
  • Design a WP Website

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: $140
    location_on United States
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    Experience Level: Expert - Immediately start designing a new site for a restaurant from scratch using WordPress - Some graphic art work is required - Come up with a really beautiful new design. We are NOT looking for a stock theme. The homepage design should follow this one: http ... More
  • Packaging Designer

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: $25
    location_on United States
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    Reliable Consultants is seeking a Designer for our growing adult product line. LeRouge Boutique/Dreamers is a 3rd generation family-owned business that values personal freedom and growth. We are looking for someone to join our team who is skilled in Photoshop and Illustrator with some ba ... More
  • Seeking Writers Capable of Tackling *Any* Subject

    Experience Level: Intermediate
    location_on United States
    Source: upwork.com
    Looking for more than just another 'gig'?  Want to apply your writing skills to help well-known organizations in the humanitarian / nonprofit sector, business and government solve challenging problems? Sonata Learning is looking for writers to create innovative training content for ou ... More
  • Tech VA - Wordpress

    Experience Level: Intermediate
    location_on United States
    Source: upwork.com
    We are looking for a tech VA - we are EST so being available between 10-6 EST, does not need to be immediately available, but respond during that time in a reasonable time frame.  Work will be around 5 - 10 hours a week to start - and could grow if we are a good fit. About you: YOU ar ... More
  • Seeking video editor for using Final Cut Pro x

    Experience Level: Entry
    Fixed-Price: $25
    location_on United States
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    Seeking Final Cut Pro video editor for short YouTube videos – all of them will be between 2-8 minutes initially. I am considering outsourcing my video editing and want someone to cut a-roll, add b-roll and all the other aspects of video editing for YouTube. Ultimately, I may cut my own a-r ... More
  • Lead Generation & Virtual Admin for Sales/Mrtg

    Experience Level: Entry
    location_on United States
    Source: upwork.com
    US based software provider to hotels & short term rental managers seeking assistance w/ lead generation, nurturing and transition to the sale close.  Most of the tasks will involve writing Linkedin, chat and email messages in Spanish. Target Region:  Mexico (ROLA to a lesser extent) ... More
  • To anyone looking to work from home Progressive® Auto Insurance needs serious worker now

    Experience Level: Entry
    Hourly: $15 - $50 / hr
    location_on United States
    Source: upwork.com
    Progressive® Auto Insurance  Company is offering work from home Jobs. Working hours is flexible Mondays to Fridays, You will be earning $500 weekly salary plus weekly bonus of up to $400. You are also expected online at all times during working hours. If interested send me a message. No Hy ... More
  • I need 9 websites formatted from Avada theme to Divi theme.

    Experience Level: Expert
    Fixed-Price: $121
    location_on United States
    Source: peopleperhour.com
    I need to have 9 of my websites switched from Avada Theme to Divi theme, I would want them done and tested one at a time, they currently use contact form 7 and i would also be changing all my contact forms to the ones built into the Divi theme, the new sites once on Divi will need to look ... More