Mohammad Saifullah A.
100% Job Success
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Social Media Marketing Manager & Content Creator

As a Social Media Manager with 5 years of experience, I have a proven track record of delivering results for my clients. From creating captivating content to optimizing online platforms for organic growth, my services are designed to help businesses build a strong and engaging presence on social media. One of my core specialties is Content Creation. I understand that creating consistent and high-quality content can be a challenge for businesses, which is why I'm here to help. Whether you need help with content writing, graphic design, or caption creation, I have the skills and expertise to deliver content that resonates with your target audience and drives engagement. Do you need assistance? Let's connect! I'm happy to help you! ✅ Determine Content Strategy ✅ Develop a regular Activity Plan to guide posting frequency ✅ Create, engage and build up relationships with your audience ✅ Grow your fan base with relevant and targeted likes and followers Here's what I can do for you. • Content Creation – Graphic design and video editing. • Social Media Account Management • Writing Engaging caption and Relevant Captions • Community Engagement • Influencer Management • Curate Content • Content Tracking • Formulating Content Calendar What you will get from my Social Media service: •I stay up to date with the latest social media algorithms to optimize the growth of your business page or personal profile. • Analyze your online presence and make suggestions for an action plan. • Research your competitors and make a unique strategy. • Post design (Attractive, Engaging, Brand strategy, Custom Graphics, etc) Canva, adobe photoshop. • Content creator and Schedule Posts through Hootsuite, Later & Buffer. • Products through professional daily posts & Promoting Your Services through posts and organic marketing. • Target Audience and Boost your online presence with the organic marketing. • Research the best hashtags for your niche. I'm always available for an Upwork call so feel free to message me any time and let's schedule a meeting to discuss your project!

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  • Social Media Management
  • Social Media Marketing Plan
  • Instagram Marketing
  • Email Campaign
  • Product Catalog Setup & Optimization


Endorsements from past clients

"I hired Mohammad Saifullah A. as a virtual assistant to my company and was beyond elated with his work ethic and results. He was able to manage my social media pages (Instagram and Youtube) effectively, increase my engagement, and grow my follower count. My Instagram grew more than 1,500 followers and my youtube grew to over 1,000 subscribers! Mohammad is always creating high-quality work with even higher levels of accuracy. I have grown to absolutely depend on his skill, professionalism, and accuracy. I would highly recommend him to any business owner. Thank you Mohammad for all you've done for my company and brand. "

Sarah L. | Empowerment and Mindset Coach
General Virtual Assistance Mar 2022


"I had a great experience working with Mohammed. He was very attentive to my requests and outline for the job, even bringing new ideas to streamline the process. I’ll definitely seek him out for future projects and look forward to working together again. "

Nahyan C. | Sales and HR Life
Research - Close:Lost List Jul 2020
