Gary M.
LondonUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

Compelling sales copy for ambitious companies

Copywriting is a simple business. We write, and, as a result, you sell. And we all live happily ever after. Except for when we don't. Because all too often your wordsmith is just that - a wordsmith. S/he hammers, bashes and mangles words - ferociously and unmercifully at times - until they drag their sorry selves out of the furnace, sort of right, sort of good enough to send to the client. And that then becomes the end result on which you sell your product or service. But you read the copy and you know it just doesn't... feel right. Those silly leading questions... that clumsy attempt at feeling the customer's pain... the awkward jumps from one idea to another.... the crass, semi-desperate calls-to-action.... the cliches. And so on. Sales copy mustn't read like sales copy. It shouldn't come across as advertising. It shouldn't cry 'buy me! buy me!' A reader who knows they're being sold to will resist. Properly constructed sales copy talks with the reader - it converses. It disarms and reassures. It empathises and understands. It educates and informs. It persuades and compels. And then, having earned the sale, it asks for it. Great sales copy follows all the very best templates, of course, and has an eye to the various approaches that have shown time and again to get results. But to be ultimately effective it's got to reach your customer in a very human way, in a person-to-person way so that it's not 'sales copy' to them but a warm and useful exchange between two like-minded individuals. I'm not a 'wordsmith'. I'm a business-oriented salesman. Who also happens to be a wordsmith. But here's the difference: My writing is only a part of what I do. It's the research that dominates my output. Because the more I know about the advantages your product offers, the deeper my understanding of the difficulties or ambitions of your target audience then the easier it is for me to create the kind of copy I just described. It's not just about having a deep appreciation for how the product or service delivers its results. It's knowing exactly how your potential customer thinks, what would compel them to buy, what would put them off buying... ...and then weaving copy - sometimes short copy, sometimes long - in a way that touches all the right nerves, presses all the correct buttons. By the time I put pen to paper I understand our customer, I know where their problems/ambitions lie and I've got a plan to link their situation to your product in a way that shows them that buying your product is exactly the right move for them to make. However 'ordinary' the product might appear I present your potential client with a choice between a better life with the product and less appealing life without it. This then is the difference between copy that is a shallow, formulaic assemblage of words - and a conversation based on properly understood challenges and ambitions of the person who's reading it. This kind of copy takes time. For the simplest household product to the most professional one-to-one service - it takes time. I have time. Look at my rates. I'm not so cheap that I have to bang out copy in under 45 minutes because I've got to finish your crap so I can get on with someone else's crap. So that I can earn enough to pay my rent. This isn't a treadmill. Or a factory. It's personal. This copy has my name attached to it and if it isn't going to be any good then I don't want any part of it. You should want this copy to be perfect nearly as much as I want it to be perfect. You and I will work together to do whatever we need to do so that we get the results we want to get. If that's your attitude to work then we're going to get on really well. But let's just start with a simple, informal, no-obligations chat. I'm actually friendlier than this profile suggests - and I don't do hard-sell. When you're ready, do please get in touch and let's see how we might do great things together. Thanks and best wishes, Gary Monro London

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Get started working with Gary quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Gary quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get the keywords your business needs in order to be found in search engines

From $500
10 days delivery

You will get a sales-oriented email sequence that attracts, persuades... and sells

From $900
14 days delivery

You will get subtle but strongly sales-oriented brochure copy

From $1,250
14 days delivery