Adryan B.
100% Job Success

Graphic Designer and Illustrator

Hi, my name is Adryan. I'm an illustrator and graphic designer. I help people, company and organization to reach their full brand potential through Illustration, communication and graphic design. I have been working as a professional graphic designer in the creative industry since 2010. What I do best: - Illustration - Infographics design - Brand identity design - Logo - Packaging - Digital, advertising poster/flyer - Social media content design I have a degree in Communication Visual Design. Experience more than 8 years, and I'm all about the design that works and bring results in sales, then aesthetics. Let's talk about it more if you agrees. I want to create an awesome artwork as much as you do and help your business grow.

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  • Cartoon Style
  • Traditional Animation
  • Branding
  • VectorWorks
  • WordPress

Get started working with Adryan quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Adryan quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Background illustration for 2D animation, cover art, and comics.

From $60
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