Bhautikkumar P.
100% Job Success
Top Rated

Expert in WordPress | React | PHP | JavaScript

I have Overall 8+ years of experience in web development using PHP/MYSQL and have worked with WordPress for 8+ years and have developed a variety of projects. Over the last years, I have developed and designed many WordPress websites and web applications for various clients, ranging from small, medium and big industries. I guarantee you a high quality application. My WordPress expertise- * WordPress Development & Designing. * WordPress VIP Development * Simple to any advanced customization in WordPress. * WordPress Themes Development & Customization. * WordPress Plugin Development and Customization * WordPress development with page builders. * Woocommerce development and customization * WordPress membership and subscritions * WordPress Troubleshooting * WordPress site speed optimization * WordPress Database Troubleshooting. * Genesis Framework by StudioPress . * WordPress DIVI, Avada, Jupiter and many more themes experience * Pixel Perfect PSD to HTML/Wordpress (Responsive) Also, I have expertise in following- PHP, HTML5, CSS3, Javascript, Ajax, Shopify.

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  • WordPress
  • SCSS
  • Zurb Foundation
  • WooCommerce
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SuiteCRM
  • PSD to WordPress
  • WPML