Rajnish K.
New DelhiIndia
100% Job Success

Senior Web Developer || Full Time Freelancer || 1000+ hrs

Web Developer/Programmer: PHP, MySQL, AJAX, Wordpress, Cake PHP, CSS, JavaScript, SVN, MVC, Joomla, Server Migration. - 9 years of experience in open source software industry, have developed many PHP 4 and PHP 5 website applications - Strong experience in enterprise scale web application development using PHP, PHP 5, SQL, Wordpress and AJAX etc. - Successfully worked on many projects with small and medium teams, covering various aspects of software development. - Experience in Requirement Analysis, Design, Development, and Testing. - Experience in handling international clients & insuring smooth delivery of software - Excellent understanding of object-oriented methodologies and principles. I can help you to develop website, web applications with PHP and wordpress technologies on fast and furious mode. I am available for full time (up-to 50 hours per week) and dedicated to your projects. Hire me Today!

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  • WordPress
  • Squarespace
  • PSD to WordPress
  • WordPress Malware Removal
  • Web Hosting
  • Backup & Migration
  • Virus Removal

Get started working with Rajnish quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Rajnish quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get Wordpress Installation with demo data

From $50
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