Simeon S.
100% Job Success

Specialized Digital Marketing Services That Get You RESULTS

-- SEO, Etsy Optimization & Content Strategy Expert Ready to Help -- With over 7 years of digital marketing experience specializing in Etsy SEO, content strategy, and driving results for handmade goods sellers. -- Why Hire Me -- + Etsy Ranking Mastery: I utilize proven SEO tactics to optimize Etsy listings for higher rankings, increased traffic, and maximum sales. + Content That Converts: I create high-quality, engaging content across platforms that attracts buyers and compels them to purchase. + Digital Marketing Mastery: From social media to email campaigns, I have the expertise to market your Etsy shop effectively and generate ROI. -- My Etsy & Content Focused Services: + Etsy Shop Audits + Keyword Research & Optimization + SEO-Friendly Listing Optimization + Competitor Benchmarking + Content Strategy & Creation + Blog Setup & Management + Email Marketing Campaigns + Social Media Management + Pinterest Marketing + Performance Tracking & Reporting I offer flexible monthly retainers tailored to fit each client's business goals. Let's connect to discuss how I can create an Etsy SEO and content strategy to take your handmade business to the next level!

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  • Blog Content
  • Article
  • SEO Writing
  • SEO Keyword Research
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Website Content
  • WordPress