Ashley M.
IpswichUnited Kingdom
100% Job Success

Data Expert & Creative Content Writer

A proven researcher and data analyst who also has vast experience as a touch typist. My data skills have developed throughout my career and range from data entry to full spreadsheet and database automation. That said, data on its own is meaningless and my other passion in life is language, the ability to articulate properly is key to any business. I'm a native English speaker who has a NVQ in media reporting. Media reporting is a style of writing that is transferable to so many aspects - a catchy headline to draw a reader in is no different to an eye-catching product description; a short story is just the same as the retelling of an event...or perhaps you just need some results off the back of a piece of analysis smartly summarised. My skills set combined makes me the perfect candidate for most tasks. I'll provide a fast and efficient service whilst my attention to detail and pride in my own performance will see me meet your needs without any mistakes.

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  • Sports Writing
  • SQL