Nyambura T.
84% Job Success

Digital PR | Media Relations | Strategic Media Outreach

"Welcome! I'm Tabby, a Digital PR Specialist with a passion for navigating the ever-evolving media landscape. With four years of dedicated experience, I've honed my skills in strategic media outreach and building impactful relationships with key journalists and media outlets. My mission is clear: to empower high-growth companies and startups by securing prominent brand mentions, placements, and coverage in leading global media publications. Through a tailored approach that combines data-driven insights with creative storytelling, I help my clients stand out in today's crowded digital space. My toolbox includes a range of platforms, from traditional methods like HARO and Qwoted to emerging digital channels. Leveraging these tools, along with my extensive network of media contacts, I craft targeted campaigns that deliver tangible results. Beyond securing placements, I thrive on nurturing lasting partnerships with journalists and reporters across various industries. This allows me to tap into unique opportunities and secure coverage that resonates with both audiences and stakeholders. Whether it's securing a feature in a prestigious publication or arranging a guest appearance on a popular podcast, I'm dedicated to helping my clients achieve their PR goals and drive meaningful brand engagement. Let's embark on this journey together and unlock the full potential of your brand's story in the ever-expanding digital sphere."

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  • HARO Link Building
  • Media Relations
  • Outreach Strategy
  • Media Pitch
  • Journalism
  • Influencer Outreach
  • Partnership & Collaborations Outreach
  • Communications