Azom A.
Chapai NawabganjBangladesh
100% Job Success
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Data Entry Professional

I have over 10 years experience on administrative related jobs. I have developed Admin Support skills from my past experience. I am very familiar with Data Entry, Data Mining, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, PDF Conversion, Google Spreadsheet, Google Docs and Internet Research. I am very quick learner, honest, reliable, fast and accurate, delivering top-quality data or results. My one & only goal is to achieve the satisfaction of my clients. I want to have a good and long-term working relationship with my clients. Thank you for visiting my profile and your feedback.

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  • Online Research
  • Product Listings
  • List Building
  • CMS Product Upload
  • Google Sheets

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Get started working with Azom quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get combine, match multiple spreadsheets with vlookup formula

From $10
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You will get data entry into spreadsheet

From $10
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