93% Job Success

Automation Fanatic

8 years of bot development. 75+ bots created and counting. 50M+ records extracted. Developed web automation's that can: - login to accounts (sign in/sign out) - handle two-factor authentication - manage thousands of accounts in real-time - bypass anti-bot services (Incapsula, CloudFlare, Distil Network, etc.) - bypass are you robot challenges CAPTCHA, reCAPTCHA, funCaptcha - advance website interactions (human-like mouse movement, scroll, typing) - collect nested data (text, attributes, links, images, tables) - save data into a file (csv, json, xlsx) or database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) Automation features: - multithreaded - rotate proxies (IPs) - human like interactions - cookie session management - random delays between actions - receive critical notifications - microservice automation - expose real-time API Exeperience: - Bot Developement (8 years) - Cybersec & threat assasement (5 years) - Email deliverability & Lead generation (3 years) - Network Administration (2 years) - System & Cloud Administration (3 years) - Infrastracture design and implementation (1 year) Lets make some more bots :) 🤖 Beep-Boop 🤖

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  • Selenium
  • Automation Anywhere
  • System Automation
  • Scripts & Utilities
  • Browser Automation
  • Linux
  • Virtualization
  • Automated Workflow