Alex S.
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Senior Full Stack Engineer: Ruby, Angular, Ember, Flutter, Go

Full stack engineer with over 10 years experience in developing web and mobile apps. My goal is to deliver the best solutions to my clients based on their wishes and needs, which includes well-tested and fully working code while keeping code in its best quality. Have experience writing web applications with backend frameworks Sinatra and Ruby on Rails or Go language, command-line scripts using plain Ruby, Go. Focusing on clean and self-explaining code using different approaches and patterns and following all ruby\rails code conventions. Other technologies I use: Frontend: HTML, HAML CSS, SCSS, SASS javascript, coffee script, jquery frameworks: angular, ember, react, react-native, backbone Backend: ruby(on rails), elixir(phoenix), go lang search engines-sphinx, elasticsearch db - MySQL, PostgreSQL, mongodb background workers - sidekiq, resque queues - rabbitmq, kafka Mobile applications using react-native, flutter

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  • Ruby on Rails
  • JavaScript
  • Golang
  • Angular
  • React Native
  • Flutter