Davit Z.
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Expert Laravel Developer

I'm a Software Engineer having more than 10 years of experience with strong knowledge of PHP, MySQL, and Javascript. I have a wide range of experience working with frameworks- ✔Laravel (4.2, 5.*, 6.*, 7.*, 8.*, 9.*), ✔CakePHP, ✔ReactJS, ✔VueJS, *Also in modern technologies* - ✔Redux, ✔API Development in the API's - ✔Google, ✔Facebook, ✔Stripe. ✔Betsoon, ✔Score24 ✔Enetpulse Patterns, principles like ✔DRY ✔SOLID ✔KISS ✔Dependency Inversion Principle ✔Single Responsibility Principle ✔Open Closed Design Principle ✔YAGNI ✔Repository Pattern ✔Abstract Factory Design Pattern ✔Builder Design Pattern ✔Factory Method Design Pattern ✔Object Pool Design Pattern ✔Prototype Design Pattern ✔Singleton Design Pattern ✔Facade Design Pattern I have advanced knowledge of OOP paradigm, ability to write a well formed, complete and highly customizable code, and design complex databases. I also have much practice working with GIT. I am also good in Physics as I have finished Physics department, and any complex logic is not problem for me, so you are welcome.

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  • API
  • Laravel
  • API Integration
  • Vue.js
  • RESTful API
  • Manual Testing
  • Software Architecture & Design
  • MySQL
  • Stripe
  • RESTful Architecture

Get started working with Davit quickly with these predefined projects.

Get started working with Davit quickly with these predefined projects.

You will get web application made with laravel(api included)

From $5,000
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