Elijah C.
100% Job Success
Top Rated Plus

SEO Content Writing Expert | AI-Enhanced Content | Ranking & Authority

Hi, I'm Elijah, a seasoned writer specializing in SEO content writing with a strong focus on using cutting-edge AI tools to enhance and optimize my work. Over the past several years, I've helped numerous clients increase their Google search impressions and clicks while building authority for their websites. With my extensive experience in writing articles from scratch and my strong interest in technology, I've transitioned seamlessly to using AI writing and SEO tools like ChatGPT-4, Jasper, and SurferSEO. These tools, combined with my expertise in marketing, SEO, keyword research, internal and external linking, etc., allow me to deliver high-quality content that ranks quickly and efficiently. Rest assured, however, I'm not someone who simply takes the first AI-generated content and calls it a day. I carefully refine and optimize the content to ensure it meets the keyword and SEO requirements, is squarely directed at the target audience, and importantly, sounds human. In the past year, working with one of my main clients, I have helped double to triple their Google search impressions AND clicks compared to the previous year. And as we've worked to refine their content publishing pipeline over the past 6 months, the growth curve is really taking off! Here are some of the areas I excel in: -SEO-optimized blog post writing -Keyword research and content strategy -Internal and external linking strategies -Adapting AI-generated content for optimal results -Building website authority Some industries I've worked with include: -Apparel -Healthcare/Health & wellness -Food and beverage -Self-development -Real Estate/Mortgage -Retail stores -E-Commerce -Warehousing and logistics -Book publishers/authors -Film & TV -Import companies -Translation Please feel free to check out my work examples here on Upwork or reach out to me directly for more recent samples. When you choose to work with me, expect a dedicated and professional experience. Let's grow your online presence and authority together! View some of my blog content: (most of my work is undisclosed for confidentiality) asia.godaddy.com/blog/author/echarbonneau/

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  • Email Copywriting
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • SEO Writing
  • Sales Writing
  • Social Media Content Creation
  • Social Media Content
  • Blog Content