Pablo I.
Javea, AlicanteSpain
100% Job Success

Full-stack developer PHP/WordPress/Laravel - Javascript/Node.js/VueJS

Full-stack developer focused on WordPress plugin/theme development and building web applications in the backend with PHP/Laravel and Node.js/Express/Koa. Client-side development using HTML/CSS/JS frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind, also working with javascript frameworks or libraries like jQuery, VueJS, or AlpineJS. Server-side web applications programming: SPAs, APIs, single scripts, cron scripts, etc. Extensive experience in project development from scratch. Frontend capabilities: - Javascript, AJAX, jQuery, VueJS, and AlpineJS. - Twitter Bootstrap, Tailwind, and flex/grid systems. - Responsive and adaptive interfaces for multiple devices using CSS media queries. - Photoshop converting pixel-perfect PSD designs to web interfaces (less frequently). - SVG modifications, exporting to other formats, or using raw base-64 data. Backend skills: - Design and management of relational databases such as MySQL or MariaDB. - Memcache and Redis as RAM-based cache systems. - REST API development using Swagger tools, JSON response documentation, etc. - Experience consuming APIs like Google Maps, Mailchimp, payment gateways, etc. - Ability to resume large code repositories (legacy code) for already started projects. - Email templating mechanisms, file attachments, PDF generation, etc. SysAdmin: - Apache and Nginx web servers management. - Installation of Virtual Private Servers (VPS) via vestaCP. - Experience with Linux command line through SSH as a sysadmin or sudo user. DevOps: - App containerization using Docker: Dockerfile, docker-compose, volumes, etc. - Docker image generation, pulling/pushing to image repositories. - Deployment of containers in production with zero downtime. Experience: - 25+ years creating software as a freelancer or working for other companies. - 10+ years managing high-traffic blog networks based on WordPress. - Creator of WP Link Status, a popular link checker WordPress plugin with thousands of downloads and active installs. I also developed the commercial version of this plugin for software marketplaces. Other: - Linux user, working with Ubuntu daily. - Demonstrated open-source contributions. - Continuous usage of GIT (and git-flow) and basic SVN use/knowledge. - Focused on problem-solving, not on technology per se.

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  • Vue.js
  • WordPress
  • Laravel
  • Redis
  • WordPress Plugin