Balbir S.

SEO(Local, National & Global), Shopify, Link Building & SMM

100% JOB SUCCESS RATE AND ALL POSITIVE REVIEWS WITH 5 STAR RATINGS. I’m a Search Engine Optimization (SEO) specialist with 8+ years of experience in all aspects of SEO and Internet Marketing. My core specializations:- - Search Engine Optimization (SEO) - Keyword Research - Link Building - Search Engine Marketing (SEM) - Social Media Marketing (SMM) - Social Media Optimization (SMO) - Online Reputation Management (ORM) - Lead Generation - WordPress/WooCommerce SEO & Development - Shopify SEO & Development All of my SEO techniques are 100% White Hat and safe for any type of website out there, and I can provide you high-quality work according to the latest Google updates. So Looking forward to having an interview, where I can tell you more about my skills and share with you my relevant work samples. THE MOST IMPORTANT THING:- I'm a person who is trying to setup his own company, So you will definitely get results promised by me. I will only talk numbers with you, NO BS.

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  • Technical SEO
  • On-Page SEO
  • Off-Page SEO
  • Organic Traffic Growth
  • Shopify
  • WordPress
  • Search Engine Marketing